
What Makes You Happy ? February 2015

It's time to reveal another three things that bring joy to your life.  For me it's not the latest phone,  fashion trend or expensive overseas holiday. I find pure joy in the simple things in life.  Here's my three things for February -

*  Picking produce from my garden.  I just love to spend time in my garden,  pulling a weed here and there and picking the lovely fruits and vegetables to feed my family.  This also makes me feel rich as it costs very little to grow our own.

My garden haul on Wednesday 11th Feb.

*  Having a lovely cup of tea with some home baking.  I'm not into the fancy teas that are the latest trend.  Give me a good strong cup of normal / English breakfast tea with a little sugar and milk and I'm happy.  A homemade muffin,  scone or biscuit finishes off a relaxing morning tea for me every day.

Peanut Butter Choc Chip Biscuits

A good cup of tea in my Grandma's cup and saucer,

*  Having a stockpile of good wholesome food in my pantry,  fridge and freezers.  I feel happy knowing that I can afford to buy ingredients to cook and bake for my family.  I'm happy and content knowing that if the supermarkets closed unexpectedly or weather or illness prevented me from grocery shopping,  I could provide many, many meals and not have to worry.

A monthly grocery shop.
What three things make you happy ?
What Makes You Happy ? February 2015 What Makes You Happy ?  February 2015 Reviewed by Anonymous on February 18, 2015 Rating: 5

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