
This Week's Frugal Tasks 21st February 2015

I've had a very busy week this week with a big cleaning job on every day ( my paid work ).  This led to many, many hours on the road travelling to and from my girl's school as well as the cleaning jobs.   I've had to be super organised with easier meals and the family pitching in to help keep our home tidy.  Here's what I managed to get done -

*  Kept the curtains closed on the warm days.

*   Picked raspberries,  beans,  tomatoes,  corn and silverbeet from the garden.

*  Gratefully accepted some sausages left over from a charity bbq.  I've frozen them and they will be made into sausage casserole at a later date.

*  Darren bought home more bread bags from the charity BBQ.  I've decrumbed them,  dried them out and stored them for future use as bin liners and for storing food.

*  Supermarket specials I bought this week were - Shapes biscuits for $1.47 a box ( IGA ),  Grapes for $2 a kilo,  Fountain tomato sauce for $1.19,  Palmolive shower gel 500 mls for $3.  The shower gel has been put away as Christmas stocking fillers for my girls.

*  Dried all the washing on the line and clothes horses.  I can't remember the last time I used the dryer.

*  Made muesli bar slice for school lunch boxes and morning teas.  It doesn't last long in my house as we all love to eat it.

*  Made a triple batch of Anzac biscuit dough for the freezer.  I baked some biscuits as well.

*  Saved all water from the washing machine for the next load.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to water my mango plants and other fruit trees.

*  Refilled and diluted the shampoo and conditioner bottles in my girl's bathroom.

*  Made all meals and snacks from scratch.

*  We had a Valentine's Day dinner at home.  Jessica picked a bunch of flowers from the garden for our dining table.

Valentine's Day flowers from the garden.

Muesli bars slice

Raspberries from our garden.
What frugal tasks did you do this week ?
This Week's Frugal Tasks 21st February 2015 This Week's Frugal Tasks  21st February 2015 Reviewed by Anonymous on February 20, 2015 Rating: 5

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