
This Week's Frugal Tasks

The Gower household has had a very busy week this week.  The girls have had end of year exams.  I've been busy with my cleaning work,  blog work and housework.  Darren has been very busy at church organising a big Christmas hamper and toy giveaway. 

We've still enjoyed our frugal life with lots of cooking and baking from scratch.  Our list for this week isn't as long as it usually is but every little bit helps.

*  Made mini quiches for a cleaning client.

*  Dried all the washing on the line.

*  Had four single serves of chicken curry leftover.  I've frozen them for future use.

*  Darren made pita chips.

*  Gratefully received two cos lettuces from my friend Cath Armstrong from The Cheapskates Club.

* Made some cranberry hootycreek biscuits.  Cath and I enjoyed them for morning tea as well as the rest of my family.  Everyone gets excited when they know I'm baking them.

*  Found some very cheap pillow cases at the Savers op shop.  These will be cut up and used to decorate hand towels for presents.

*  Planted out four more tomato plants that my Dad grew.

*  .Baked a double batch of raspberry and white chocolate muffins for us to eat.  They are now in the freezer ready to be enjoyed.  If I'm home or at a cleaning job I heat them up in the microwave and they taste like they are just out of the oven.

*  We've started picking strawberries - YAY  !!!.  Just a few every couple of days but there will be plenty to come.  What we can't eat will be frozen to make jam and fruit icecream.

*  Gratefully received a few bread rolls and a block of cheese from a friend.

*  Used up all the bits and pieces in the fridge before they went off.  It's a great to know that the money I spend on food is used wisely.

Strawberry flowers growing in guttering on the fence.

Magpie scratching around in the sliverbeet we gave her.

Iceberg roses growing in the chicken enclosure.

Free ranging the chickens for a while.

Our first raspberry.  I ate it a few days later.
What frugal tasks have you completed this week ?
This Week's Frugal Tasks This Week's Frugal Tasks Reviewed by Anonymous on November 14, 2014 Rating: 5

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