
What Makes You Happy ? November 2014

A big thankyou to everyone for commenting on last month's " What Makes You Happy ? " post.  It's always great to spend some time reflecting on what really does bring a smile to your face.  Please share this post with your friends and encourage them to share three happy things.

Here's what makes me happy -

* Beautiful vintage china. I have some of my Grandma's cup, saucers and plates. My Grandpa used to play lawn bowls and was very good at it. When he won, quite often his prize was a cup, saucer and plate set. Many of them are well known brands and I treasure them. I also love to use them on the odd occasion.

*  When Darren cuts a rose from our garden for my bedside table.  The fragrance is beautiful and it's the last thing I smell before I go to sleep and the first thing when I wake up.  I also love to stop and smell the roses in the garden.

*   I love the color apple green. It's a happy, fresh color and if I see homewares in apple green, it always puts a smile on my face and warms me up inside. I have towels, tea towels, ramekns, table cloths, clothes and a handbag in apple green. I was attending a Cheapskates workshop a few months ago and was wearing my apple green coat. One lady there commented on my coat and showed me her price book. It was apple green too. I then picked up my apple green handbag to show her and we all had a laugh over our apple green accessories.

Some of my apple green things.

What makes you happy ?
What Makes You Happy ? November 2014 What Makes You Happy ?  November 2014 Reviewed by Anonymous on November 12, 2014 Rating: 5

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