
This Week's Frugal Tasks 7th February 2015

Now that my girls are back into the school routine I have a little extra time up my sleeve.  The house stays tidy longer and I can get the house work finished by mid morning as I'm not vacuuming around the family or waiting for the dirty washing to be collected. This gave me a chance to bake bread again,  to do more sewing and to do some de cluttering.

Here's this week's frugal task list -

*  Diluted a bottle of white vinegar by 50 %.  I had an empty bottle so I poured half into it and topped it up with water. It's great for cleaning but not suitable for cooking.

*  Made seasoned bread crumbs from scratch.  Some were used to make KFC drumsticks.

*  Made a muesli bar slice.  I would have taken a photo but it was a little over baked.  Still yummy though.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and poured it into my watering can and used it to water the fruit trees.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Gratefully received two plum puddings.  I'll give one to a family member and the other one was portioned into single serves and frozen.  Darren is the only one in our house who really enjoys plum pudding. 

*  Made a children's Christmas apron and chef's cap as a present for Christmas this year.  The material panel was on clearance after Christmas a year ago for $1.

*  Saved some large glass jars.  I'm going to use them as presents by picking a bunch of flowers from the garden.  I'll tie twine around the flowers and place them in the jar.  The jar will be decorated with a wide strip of wrapping  paper and a ribbon.  I've seen these on The Prudent Homemaker's blog and they look lovely.  Cost is zero.  I'll post a picture when I make them up.

*  Picked strawberries,  raspberries,  beans,  tomatoes,  zucchinis and corn from the vegetable garden.

*  Darren used some of our compost on the veggie garden.

*  For some reason we didn't use as much milk this week and I had almost three litres to use with one day left on the expiry date  So I made creamed rice to use up about two litres.  We had it for dessert two nights running.  I had it for lunch two days and Jessica was in heaven eating it for breakfast. 

*  Gratefully accepted some free sandwiches.

*  Found some older face washers and hand towels in the linen cupboard to replace the tired ones I was using in the kitchen.  The really old kitchen ones were moved on to the laundry as mop up cloths.  I never buy kitchen sponges or wipe up cloths.  I use the slightly old and faded face washers instead.  It's great as I can change them over at the end of the day and throw them in the wash.

*  Baked a triple batch of chocolate choc chip muffins.  A few were eaten fresh and the rest were frozen for lunch boxes.

* Bought chicken fillets a $6.99 kg from Tasman Meat.  Bought Pineocleen  and Pantene shampoo and conditioner at half price from Coles..

*  Dried all the washing clothes horses and the line.

*  Kept the heater off all week and only used the evap. cooling for a couple of hours.
Chocolate choc chip muffins.

The bread dough before I cut it to put in the bread tins.

Wholemeal bread.

Face washers used as kitchen cloths.

A Christmas present for this year.
What did you do this week to save time,  money or energy ? 

This Week's Frugal Tasks 7th February 2015 This Week's Frugal Tasks 7th February 2015 Reviewed by Anonymous on February 06, 2015 Rating: 5

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