
What Makes You Happy ? January 2015

When Darren and I lost our jobs at the same time back in 2005 we were devastated,  shocked and quite frightened of what the future held for us.  Even through this hard time,  we tried to focus on the positive things in our life.  This included the things that made us happy.  To this day,  no matter what comes our way whether it be good or bad,  we always look on the bright side of life.

Here's what makes me happy -

*  My home.  Although it is not a grand big home,  it's clean,  tidy,  organised and comfortable.  I just love spending time at home.  I'm at peace there and no resort,  shopping centre,  restaurant,  motel,  event or outing can make me as happy as my home does.

*  My cat or should I say " our cat ".  After all,  Princess is the family's cat.  She loves to climb into the recliner chair with me at night for a snuggle,  wash then sleep. When I'm on the computer she likes to smooch the computer cord,  plonk herself on the ground and roll over for a tummy rub.  She escorts me to the chicken coop,  helps me in the garden and chases butterflies ( and the birdies ).

*  Making my own things like jams,  relish,  brown sugar,  laundry powder,  sweetened condensed milk etc etc.  The list could go on and on.  I feel a great sense of achievement when I can make it myself and not rely on the supermarket to provide every little ingredient.   It saves me a small fortune and saves the health of my family.  What more could I ask for ?

What makes you happy ?
What Makes You Happy ? January 2015 What Makes You Happy ?  January 2015 Reviewed by Anonymous on January 14, 2015 Rating: 5

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