
This Week's Frugal Tasks

The bathroom renovations are now complete and our house is getting back to normal.  Our vegetable garden is thriving wilth all the rain we've been blessed with.  I just love to go outside and look around the garden to see what's happening.   At this time of the year it seems that the vegetable plants grow by inches each day.  There are weeds to pull,  plants to feed and produce to pick.  My heart swells with happiness when I bring a basket of food into the house.  It's pure joy.

Here's what I've been up to this week -

*  The heater has been off all week.  We've only had the evap cooling on a little.

*  Picked our first two zucchinis for the year.

*  Continued to picked strawberries and beans every couple of days.

*  Gratefully received some bread and croissants from a friend

*  Sold four dozen eggs to our nrighbour and a cleaning client.

*  Made strawberry and apple jam using strawberries I bought for 50 cents a punnet a few months ago.   I'd frozen them with the idea to make jam.  Some will be given as presents and the rest we will use ourselves.

*  Baked a triple batch of chocolate lunchobx muffins.  Most of them are for the freezer.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Started saving water from the washing machine again.  When the machine was reconnected, last Saturday  we were so pressed for time with our busy week last week we couldn't save the water.  All is right in my world again. 

*  I started sorting out the birthday and Christmas presents for next year.  I've purchased or made about two thirds of the presents already.  When I know who I'm giving the present to I write the name,  occasion and year on a post it note and stick it to the present.  Then I record it in an exercise book.

*  Picked some lettuce from our garden.

*  Darren and Jessica made white christmas to give as presents.  Some were gift boxed and others were placed in cello bags.

*  Made more Anzac biscuit dough and peanut butter choc chip biscuit dough for the freezer.  GEE,  the freezer gets fed well doesn't it ?  I'm trying to stock up on dough and other baking for the busy Christmas season.

*  Saved some bread bags from a charity bbq and reused them.

This is what I picked from the garden on Monday

The gift boxes for the white christmas

White Christmas for presents

Our dining table flowers.  Megan took this photo for the blog.

The lettuce we are picking.
What frugal things have you completed this week ?
This Week's Frugal Tasks This Week's Frugal Tasks Reviewed by Anonymous on December 05, 2014 Rating: 5

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