
This Week's Frugal Tasks

Our bathrooms renovations continue and the house is a mess.  I had to clear a space for a camera crew to film an interview on Tuesday morning  Lots of fun.  The up side to having the bathrooms renovated is that I don't have to clean them at the moment.  I tried to look at this positively. No cleaning means spare time for me.  Spare time means I can do some frugal things.

Here's what I achieved during this crazy week -

* Cooked pie meat for four pies and froze it.

*  Made three meatloaves and froze them.

*  Made dried bread crumbs from some rolls that were given to me a while ago.  They were rolls my family wouldn't normally eat but I saw them as a blessing and froze them until I needed bread crumbs.  I then made the dried bread crumbs into seasoned bread crumbs to coat chicken drumsticks ans salmon patties.

*  Picked a handful of beans and strawberries every couple of days.

*  Made brown sugar.

*  Washed our clothes by hand.  We haven't had a washing machine plugged in since Friday last week.  After Darren washed our sheets and towels at the laundromat ( costing $5 per load ) I've been washing what I can by hand.

*  My girls and I had to wash our hair in the kitchen sink a couple of times when we were without a shower.  When the ensuite shower was finished we had to have very quick showers as we are all sharing the bathroom while the girl's bathroom was gutted.  Oh the joy.

*  Kept the heater off most of the time as the tradies liked to have our front door open all day.

*  Bought meat specials at Tasman Meats.  For just over $80 I was able to divide it into 27 meals for the four of us.  Tasman has number 9 raw chickens in twin packs for $6.99,  sausages for $3.99 kg,  regular mince for $3.99 kg and lamb chops for $6.99 kg.  Great specials  !!!!

*  Sorted out the girls old school text books and advertised them for sale on the Sustainable School  Shop website.  I was able to pass a few down to Megan from Jessica.  Some text books will be used two years running for Jessica.  It looks like some folders can be cleaned and used again.

*  Hand watered the vegetable seedlings.  The rest of the vegetable garden was watered by God.  It's such a blessing.  THANKYOU  !!!

*  We gratefully received some blocks of cheese and a loaf of bread from a friend.  God is taking care of us and we feel so blessed.

*  Made fruit ice cream with frozen bananas,  strawberries and a few raspberries ( store bought ).  It's a great way to use up soft bananas.

*  Diluted a bottle of laundry liquid by 50%.

Honey mustard chicken made from scratch.
Our daisy bush is blooming
Ready to pick lettuce again.
Fruit ic cream.

Sorry,  I didn't have time to take many photos this week.  Next week looks more promising.

Did you do anything frugal this week ?
This Week's Frugal Tasks This Week's Frugal Tasks Reviewed by Anonymous on November 28, 2014 Rating: 5

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