
What Makes You Happy ? March 2015

Here are three things that make me happy and bring a smile to my face -

*  My daughters calling me Mama.  When they were young they like to watch the Aristocats movie.  In this movie the kittens call their mother " Mama ".  Ever since then on occasion my girls call me mama and it makes me smile.  It's such a lovely endearing name and I feel special when I hear it.

*  Having a free day when there's no housework to do.  It's very rare in my house but lately I've been able to work extra hard during the week so that I have Saturday free to do what I want.  I've spent the time making cards and other craft items.

*  Autumn.  Darren and I love to get into the garden during this time of the year when the weather is mild.  We prepare the vegetable garden beds for Winter planting.  Vegetable seeds are planted then transplanted,  bushes need to be trimmed or pulled out and we do lots of weeding.  The weather isn't too hot or cold and we enjoy breathing in the fresh air.

What makes you happy ?
What Makes You Happy ? March 2015 What Makes You Happy ?  March 2015 Reviewed by Anonymous on March 18, 2015 Rating: 5

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