
What Makes You Happy ? December 2014

With December being so busy for many,  it's still important to take time out and reflect on the things that make you happy.  It will bring you a sense of peace,  contentment and joy to your life.

Here's what makes me happy -

*  Christmas decorations.  I look forward to getting them out each year.  I also like to make some and they look great on the tree ( if I do say so myself ).

*  Our chickens.  They are such funny creatures to watch as they run around fighting over a strawberry.  It's almost like watching a cartoon but in real life.

*  A good home cooked meal.  It warms me up inside knowing I'm feeding my family good food that will help them to stay healthy and strong.

What makes you happy ?

What Makes You Happy ? December 2014 What Makes You Happy ?  December 2014 Reviewed by Anonymous on December 17, 2014 Rating: 5

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